When two human beings promise each other „till death do us part“ and are able to actually make it happen, in full realization – taking on themselves the full responsibility, accepting all liability of their actively lived promise, without legitimization such as fear of being alone and dependencies between the two – then it is a pure miracle. It is a miracle, when – following your own essence and being-laws – you appear fully in my cosmos, and we remain two expanding worlds, growing individuals that together create a new world: our world. From my idea of love, death is therefore never the real end – because this third world, that contains both others, is now subject to the forces and conditions of evolution.
UNTIL DEATH DO US PART is proposed by ALLIAGES and curated by Juan Riusech. The exhibition will be shown at the Brussels Jewellery Week 2022 (map #15);
The opening of the exhibition will be held on Friday April 29th, 2022 at 18h30 at SYNTRA Brussels.
SYNTRA BRUSSELS – Havenlaan 86c – B-1000 Brussels
Exhibition opening hours : 29/04, 14-18h | 30/04-01/05, 11-17h
« The central theme I explore in my work is the idea of control: in the physical world around us and within our own consciousness. I’m fascinated by the physical means of control we encounter and the overt and covert influence of the structures and systems of everyday existence that modify our experiential reality. With these pieces, I seek to explore the nature of my unconscious mind, and create physical reinterpretations of the structures of my internal mental landscape that represent a re-constructed reality. The internal struggle and battle for control and an understanding of our perceived sense of identity, history, and self-worth can be seen as a form of internal warfare, set against the backdrop of an ever-changing volatile social and political climate that we all must navigate. By taking ones innermost fears and insecurities and creating objects that can be worn and displayed, one is able to gain control and understanding of ones past and chart a course forward into the future. » (Jason Stein)
Artists selected for « UNTIL DEATH DO US PART » exhibition at the Brussels Jewellery Week 2022
« Until Death Do Us Part » will show the works of Alex Kinsley Vey, Amir Nassiri, Anna Börcsök, Anna Talbot, Anne Léger, Anne-Marie Hugot, Annelieke Landré, Carmen López, Charlotte Vanhoubroeck, Claudia Steiner, Codie Decottignies, Dania Chelminsky, David Walker, Deimezi Xenia, Deniz Turan, Einav Benzano, Elli Xippa, Erle Nemvalts, Fruzsi Fekete, Gabriela Nirino, Hanna Kostiainen, Hilde Dramstad, Janna Gregonis, Jason Palyvos, Jason Stein, Juan Harnie, Juan Riusech, Juanjo Garcia, Julian De La Garza, Junnan Songxu, Kamilė Stanelienė, Klara Brydewall, Leslie D. Boyd, Lily Kanellopoulou, Louise Ginioux, Marcia Lima, Maria Kiialainen, Michelle Kraemer, Monique Lecouna, Namkyung Lee, Nan Jin, Nico Delaide, Noa Tamir, Omri Goren, Patricia Iglesias, Raquel Bessudo, Rho Tang, Rikke Lunnemann, Sara Mas, Sara Shahak, Saskia Bostelmann, Sébastien Carré, Taibe Palacios, Teresa F Faris, Ute van der Plaats, Viktoria Münzker, Xinia Gian, Yihan Yuan, Yiota Vogli & Youjin Um.
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