Promoting Contemporary Art Jewelry since 2009

Juan Riusech | « For me, the jewel is a work of art. Through the evolution of jewelry art, we are witnessing a willingness to go beyond the boundaries of traditional jewelry. Sculpture in the adornment of jewelry to artwork, the piece of jewelry Unlock all material limitations. Under these conditions, the jewel-sculpture becomes an object of timeless art and independent. Often called the mobile sculpture, freed from its traditional role, which appears as an artwork body is based. My workplace is more a laboratory where I like to experiment with different materials every time I start a projet interesting. My work seems to go in all directions, making it nothing like the same, but if we look at it, there is always a common thread that links every stage of my work. In recent years, most of my work revolves around a single theme, the heart, as source of life or death.« (*)

(*)   Text & pictures provided by the artist

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